10/31/2021 - 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

by 조신형프란치스코 posted Oct 30, 2021


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Thirty First Sunday in Ordinary Time


“Let us pray the Rosary. 

In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth…”


It was very nice to pray the rosary before each mass.  The church felt more like a church.  It gave us time to calmly prepare for the mass.  


We have been praying the rosary 30 minutes before each mass in October.  


Preparing to arrive early with sincerity;  

walking towards the church with each holy step;

beautiful prayers in front of the altar

made Saint Andrew Kim Parish a true sanctuary.  


We have realized the meaning of: “My house is a house of prayer.” (Luke 19:46)


You all have done well.  

We also followed the first commandment to love our God with all our might.  


Thank you for joining the beautiful prayer, the rosary, during the month of October.  May God bless all of you.  


“We will also have a second collection for the Catholic Social Services.”  


We start the beautiful fellowship, the Christmas in October, based on the news that there are 10,000+ who are starving and in need.  As we started the journey, our hearts felt warmer.  We felt more like a faithful.  It gave us time to see and become better neighbors.  


We celebrated the Christmas early in October.  We were able to collect $4,333 thus far.  Many also donated goods for the needy as well as filling the charity collection box.  We have lived out the true faith.  


“Give generously to anyone who faithfully obeys God.”  (Tobit 4:7)  We have lived out the words of God.  


You all have done well.  

You realized the second commandment to love thy neighbor.  


Thank you to those who have joined us for the beautiful fellowship in October.  

May God bless all of you.  


“Beautiful prayer and fellowship” mature our faith.  

We are able to overcome materialism and selfishness.  

I pray that we can continue to develop spirituality and help others in order to strengthen our faith.  


Let us meditate for a moment.
