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2022.01.01 21:33

2022/1/1 New Year Mass

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Praise be to Jesus Christ.

How was your past year? 


We give thanks for keeping all faithful safe during the COVID pandemic and many other difficult situations.  We also give thanks for God’s blessings.  


We began 2021, the year of OX, with steadfast sincerity to live out our faith.  This evening we conclude 2021 with the evening mass.  


As we celebrate the mass, we reflect on the past 12 months.  Firstly, we have strengthened the fundamentals of our faith.  

There were many prayer activities:

Lenten Stations of Cross

Writing of Proverbs

9PM One Heart prayers

Advent Writing of Gospel Luke

Today’s Words

October: Rosary before each mass

November Holy Souls: prayers before each mass

Year of Joseph: 9 days of prayer

100 year celebration of Legion of Mary and 33 days of prayer for Mary

Mass in Fairbanks; new parishioner training

5 minute education after the mass


There were also many charity drives:

Haiti earthquake disaster rescue funds

Catholic Social Service funds and donation items to share love and hope

Sharing of foods with elders during Christmas season


In addition, we had someone donate products and services to remove and install a new beautiful altar carpet.  Many have given to install a new audio and video system so we can continue the mass with online liturgical music.  We thank for the donors and volunteers who worked on all these projects.  


We also re-started the Sunday school this year.  Since the pandemic began we stopped all group activities in the church.  However, we successfully completed the school program.  This summer, we also commenced a tennis lessons, and many students participated and was a quite a success.  We thank all the students, teachers, mothers, and our Sisters.  


Also, new Sisters joined us this year.  Sister Mary Ku and Sister Bona Jeong arrived in January and July respectively.  I am very thankful and fortunate to have Sisters in the Church.  Anchorage Saint Andrew Kim Parish is the only Cheong-ju Diocese supported U.S. Korean Catholic Church with Sisters.  There are many Catholic churches in Korea without nuns but I spent 20 years in parishes with them.  I am very thankful.  


Finally, the most unfortunate incident is the pastor’s auto accident and the best thing is that no one was infected with COVID at the church.  


When you reflect, you realize how fast the time moves.  We are thankful that we can reflect on the past year and that we have achieved so much.  We also pray that God’s blessings will be with us in the New Year.  


Let us meditate for a moment.

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